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Outreach Support

Outreach Support is an important and
essential core service at WAVE.

This service is delivered by trauma trained Outreach Caseworkers, providing one to one support to individuals who are victims and survivors of historical institutional abuse.

Following assessment, your support plan will take into account your existing support network and where appropriate with your agreement, work in partnership with other service providers (GP, Community Mental Health Teams and other Health Professionals) to ensure joined up support that meets the client’s needs.

Outreach provides a beneficial and purposeful relationship built on trust. In which outreach caseworkers give time to support a client to enable them to make positive changes in their live. Identifying their needs and working in an agreed way to address those needs by implementing an individually tailored client support plan.

This requires continual communication and review of progress, ultimately leading to improved wellbeing enabling the client to move forward. We operate an ‘Open Door’ policy for those who may need to return for additional support in the future or to attend one of our peer group supports.

Your Wave Journey

Three simple steps

  • Assessment by the ‘Outreach’ team

  • Client/member is provided with an Outreach Caseworker

  • Same Outreach Caseworker throughout your time at WAVE, be that weeks, months or years.

WAVE Trauma

Outreach support also includes befriending

Befriending can make a real difference to people who find themselves feeling isolated, struggling at a time of need due to trauma, loss or another burning issue, finding that they need the dedicated support of an outreach caseworker to help them navigate their way through prevailing difficulties.

Befriending covers a range of supportive activity involving the development of relationships in which an outreach caseworker

gives time to support and encourage a client. The role is about focusing on the client by being proactive, resourceful and innovative in seeking a caring resolution to their issues. Through outreach support, WAVE also aims to improve the quality of life of those who feel socially isolated or impacted by trauma and would benefit from regular contact and support from qualified Outreach Caseworkers.

Outreach Caseworkers offer opportunities to:

Help people build a supportive social network.

Decrease their sense of isolation and increase self confidence.

Improve their emotional wellbeing and quality of life.

Provide a gateway to other WAVE services to benefit the client’s wellbeing.

Wave Trauma

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